Sponge cakes are very basic cakes. And that's what i like about it!... It doesn't take alot of time, nor require alot of ingredients to bake this, yet you are still able to yield a perfect nice decent product!I ran out of many ingredients at home that I can't bake something new, creative and different. So b
ack to the basics, I succeeded in baking a Chocolate Sponge Cake!

The only things I had were eggs, flour, oil etc. Sometimes when things in life get too complicated, it's always good to think about back to the basics. Think simplicity, and life would be much much easier!
Sponge cakes have always been my favourite as it is light, easy to prepare and not too sweet for my liking. I chanced upon Amanda's blog for this recipe. It is relatively easy and the outcome is awesome!
All you need:
(A) Egg Yolk Mixture
3 Egg Yolks
50g Sugar
50g Olive oil
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
1. Mix all items together well
120g Self Raising flour
½ tsp Baking powder
½ tsp Baking Soda
2. Sift and mix all flour together then combine with egg yolk mixture.
(B) Cocoa Mixture
30g cocoa powder
120g Warm water
3. MIx items together then add into the first mixture.
(C) Egg White Mixture
3 Egg Whites
¼ tsp Cream of Tartar
60g Sugar
4. Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar till foamy
5. Add sugar then continue whisking at high speed till stiff
6. Finally, fold this meringue into the cocoa mixture gently till well incorporated
7. Bake at 175deg C for 45min.
8. Ready to serve