Had just come back from my 6 day trip to Kyushu, Japan. Lovely sights and onsen - hot spring.
Singapore > Fukuoka > Nagasaki > Kumamoto > Kagoshima > Mt Aso > Beppu > Fukuoka
Of course you can't miss their delectable Japanese food!
There were lotsa stalls along the streets selling Adzuki pancake (red bean pancakes) and rice crackers. I couldn't decide what to eat so I tried almost everything I saw. They tasted yummy, but food is expensive in Japan.
Japanese have a low mortality rate. Reason? They eat lotsa fish and seafood. They drink green tea which helps fight cancer. I enjoy eating Japanese food (only cooked ones) but they are rather salty... even for snacks
You won't miss the vending machines in Japan. Even in Kyushu, there are vending machines everywhere. It's an interesting vending machine culture.. They sell coffee, tea, juices (hot and cold), hot soup and even cigarettes. it's said to provide convenience to residents and it actually has an added feature of forewarning natural calamities and provides weather reports. In case of emergency one can also get drinks and food out of convenience. Crime rate is actually low in Japan hence the proliferation of vending machines.
Piping hot sweet potato (weather was about 5 deg)
"Black pork slices" ready to be pan fried
Do you believe that these are fake?
Thats all folks for the food pics from Japan.. keep tuning to my blog :)
I have a photo gallery website at flickr.com/missyjoan. Enjoy!