This is an improved version of the original banana cake. For my 3rd Banana Walnut Cake, I had 300g mashed bananas and 1/2 cup of chocolate chips.
In the process....
I had to put 2 layers of sponge cakes together, with the strawberry jam and buttercream in between. The mistake I made was to put the spread too soon. The cake was still warm from the oven. So the buttercream melted and slid down the cake.... :(
This is how it should look, minus the mess. Sprinkled a little castor sugar on the top.
Voila! This is the end product. It tasted good but sugar can be reduced the next time!
The Victoria sponge cake was named after Queen Victoria, who favoured a slice of the sponge cake with her afternoon tea. It is often referred to simply as sponge cake, though it contains additional fat. A traditional Victoria sponge consists of jam and whipped cream sandwiched between two sponge cakes; the top of the cake is not iced or decorated.
(Source: The Usborne Children's book of Baking)